When Gallantry was Commonplace

Apr 23, 2013 | Resources | 8 comments

Written By Shaun Miller


20130423-234011.jpgI was fortunate enough to find a copy of Leland W. Thorton’s book on the 11th. I am amazed at the amount of research Mr. Thornton did in putting this book together. I only wish it was in circulation still.

I look forward to sifting through his work and posting my research.

UPDATE: I have spoken recently with Mr. Thornton and an Amazon style EBOOK is in the works. I know this book has been impossible to find in print. I am very much looking forward to the release of the digital version. I will keep the updates coming as I get them.Ā 


Written By Shaun Miller

Written by the dedicated historians and enthusiasts of the 11th Michigan Infantry website team, committed to preserving the memory and valor of these heroic soldiers for future generations.

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  1. Paul Dryer

    My great great grandfather, William R. Shepard, was part of the 11th Michigan. I would like to get a copy of this book. Do you know where I could get a copy, since it is now out of print. Thanks.

    • shaun@shaunrmiller.com

      Paul, Thanks for reaching out. My apologies for not keeping up with this site like I have hoped. I Have not been able to find another copy of this anyway. I reached out the author Mr. Thornton some time ago, he was even surprised I was able to find a copy. Is there anything in particular you’d like to see in it? I would be happy to copy pages.


      • Paul Dryer

        My grandfather was part of company B, if there are any parts of the book that dealt with his company or any personal information about the men of that company I would be interested in that for sure. Also, if the book has pictures of the men in the regiment I would be interested in seeing those. Have you gone and visited the monuments for the 11th at the national battefield parks? Is there any more information on the regiment at the parks? I have a regimental reunion medal of my granfather’s, the ribbon has fallen apart and it is difficult to read but the medal has a picture of Col. Stoughton on it. Other than that medal and a picture of my grandfather later in life and where he lived and died (Litchfield, MI) I don’t have much information about him.

  2. Denise Scheie

    Hello, My great, great grandpa and his brother were in the 11th Michigan Infantry, Co. K. Their names were Peter and James Seeley. I saw your comments about not being able to find another copy, I have been unable to find one, either. Would you mind looking up my ancestors and see if they are mentioned?

  3. Denise Scheie

    Hi, my great-great grandpa and his brother were in the 11th Michigan infantry co. K. would you mind looking them up and seeing if there is any mention of them? Their names were Peter and James Seeley.
    Denise Scheie

    • shaun@shaunrmiller.com

      Thank you for reaching out! I have found both of their names in various documents/rosters. I will continue to look through the Gallantry book as well. I did notice that in Company G there is a Joseph Seely from Hillsdale County which is where I saw your relatives were from. Joseph was aged 44 as opposed to 22 and 25 of Peter and James. I have seen several times, (since everything was handwritten) Last names get slightly off. My relative from Company C has shown up as Lortz instead of Lords. Curious if Joseph could also be related.

      • Denise Scheie

        I do know that there were the Seeleys and Seelys in the same town who were not related. Peter married an Elsie Jane Seely, so Joseph could have been her father. Have you seen anything on where James was buried? I know he died in a hospital in Louisville, KY, I think 18 months after enlistment in August 1861.

  4. Paul Dryer

    There is a new book out on the 11th Michigan Infantry. It is The 11th Michigan Volunteer Infantry by Eric Faust. It is published by McFarland. I purchased it and it is a very well researched and written book on the 11th. It includes pictures and maps. I recommend it to those interesting in learning more about the regiment.


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