While doing some research today. I stumbled across a used used copy of Leland Thornton’s book, “When Gallantry Was Commonplace.” Current price being asked isĀ $155 but it is out of print. 5boros Books *We are in no way affiliated with the seller. We are simply passing along the information we found.

Copyright: irochka / 123RF Stock Photo
There is a new book out on the Michigan 11th. The 11th Michigan Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War, by Eric R. Faust. Published by McFarland and Company. I received mine today.
hello from Mi.image collector East side of MI. Myself and ohers have just heard of the new 11th mi. book/is it illustrated with period photos of the old boys? We here in the Monroe-Detroit area have quite a few images of the old boys and no one contacted us about this book, nor of the letters we also have. Bob in Flat Rock
My Great Grandad was in the 11th infantry sharp shooters. Alonzo Britton. I would give my RT arm for some copies of your pics.